
This is my little corner of the Internet, a place for some information, a few thoughts and somewhere to try a few things out.

It's not a very big corner, I visit it occasionally if and when the mood takes me.

You may find some useful things, and you can always get in touch from here - but this is mainly where I do some coding so it may come and go!

It doesn't stop being magic just because you know how it works. Terry Pratchett

Work Me

I have an extensive background in content, media, internet and telecoms with more than 30 years' of main board experience - 11 in the FTSE100/250.

I've completed two IPO’s and numerous M&A transactions, including Class 1, and worked in start-ups through to large global corporates in listed, private, and Government backed businesses.

Today, I work as a Director, Chair and advisor for a number of companies, which are private equity and Government backed, both internationally and in the UK.

If you would like to know more, have a look through a summary of my CV, or find me on LinkedIn. If you are looking for publication material for web or print, use these images and text.

Social Me

I spend my free time riding bikes of various shapes and sizes and trying to stay in shape. Casual coding fill's whatever time is left.

I base myself out of London, but live in Yorkshire. Every month I will be in London, Manchester, Rochdale, York, Southampton, Dublin, Stockholm and the Channel Islands. In between I travel frequently across Europe and beyond.

You can find me on all the usual social media.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others. Douglas Adams

My Portfolio

I work with lots of different companies, and so my portfolio changes from time to time as you might expect. Here are the companies I'm currently working with in various roles.

If you would like to know more, you can have a look at a summary of my CV, or find me on LinkedIn.

Miss Group (Stockholm)
Global hosting
Chair, Investor
Firstborn Group (Manchester)
Financial services
Chair, Investor
Zen Internet (Rochdale)
Ascent (London)
Software and analytics
Non-Executive, Investor
Sliide (London)
Mobile monetisation
Non-Executive, Investor
Celerity (Manchester)
Digital transformation
Chair, Investor
Snigel (Dublin)
Web advertising
Chair, Investor
BGF Foundation (London)
Charitable foundation
Data Communications Company (London)
UK Gov Smart Metering
Technical Advisor
Velos IOT (Jersey)
Global IOT Infrastructure
Chair, Investor

I've Worked On...

I continue to be involved in many interesting projects. Over the years I have been lucky enough to have worked with some truely brilliant people who have done some amazing things, far too many to list - but here are just a few of the things we've done together that I'm particularly proud of and that you might be familiar with or used at some point!

If you would like to know more, check out these links or have a look at my CV.

Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of a lack of wisdom. Terry Pratchett

Work In Progress...

I've always got a few casual coding projects on the go, always work in progress and squeezed between other commitments.

At the moment I'm exploring IoT platforms, multi-site Wireguard VPN's, and a Docker Swarm fronted by Traefik.

Feel free to have a look at some of the Internet facing things I'm playing with, or check out my GitHub page for some released projects.

Meeting Up

As things have returned to what was once normal, here is an interactive map of easy to get to coffee shops in London - good places to catch up.

They are not anything special - just easy to find and in generally well-known locations. I'm always interested in new suggestions to add to the list.

Thanks For Visiting...

I hope you found something of interest, if not then at least you know what is here. There is plenty going on underneath, but that I will keep for myself.

If you do want to reach out and get in contact, the best way is through one of the social media platforms - take your pick, I check them all occasionally.

It’s no use going back to yesterday,
I was a different person then.
Lewis Carroll